Welcome to PhillyDailyNews.com
Welcome to the new online home for the Philadelphia Daily News, a place for us to strengthen the relationship with our readers and introduce the People Paper to a new generation of Philadelphians who care passionately about the city, its people and, of course, sports.
This site will do much more than just deliver news and information to Philadelphia - it will be the place where the conversation about what matters in Philly starts. You will get a chance to interact with the reporters, columnists and editors from the People Paper and tell us what we should be writing about.
PhillyDailyNews.com will give you the story of what's happening in Philly today presented in a way that only the Daily News can. We will tell you what matters NOW, whether you care about the Phillies, news from City Hall, what's going on in your neighborhood, or the juiciest gossip.
Above all, the site will be FUN. At the Daily News, we've never shied away from pushing the envelope, and PhillyDailyNews.com will be no different.
Doing the great work that defines the People Paper, whether uncovering police corruption, holding government accountable, telling you about a great new chef or capturing a magical March Madness run, costs money. For less than 60 cents/day, you get 24-7 access to the website, the option of having the newspaper delivered to your door, plus our digital replica edition.
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