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Mayor Wilson Goode can’t disclaim responsibility for MOVE bombing | 1990

Louise James, who lost her son Frank James Africa in the MOVE bombing, opines on Mayor Wilson Goode's culpability

Mayor W. Wilson Goode addressed reporters as work began on rebuilding the West Philadelphia homes destroyed in the May 13, 1985, MOVE confrontation.
Mayor W. Wilson Goode addressed reporters as work began on rebuilding the West Philadelphia homes destroyed in the May 13, 1985, MOVE confrontation.Read moreTom Gralish / Staff Photographer

This story appeared in the Daily News on May 14, 1990.

A few months ago, Mayor Goode took exception to comments made by Chuck Stone, relating to the May 13, 1985, bombing of MOVE.

His comments were as ridiculous and irresponsible as the bombing itself, and there’s no better time than now to speak to them.

In part, what Goode said was:

“I bombed no one. I killed no one. I have stated repeatedly that I was not told about the ‘bomb.’ I knew nothing of the fire’s being permitted to burn.”

My first thought after the initial anger, was that Wilson Goode lies so much, he hallucinates that he’s telling the truth. He’s even hallucinating after all this time about it being a real bomb, seeing as how the word is in quotes.

Of course he was told about the bomb! Not only was he told about it, it took him “all of 30 seconds” to approve its being dropped.

As hard as it has been for my family and me to deal with 11 deaths, this always deepens the anguish.

Thirty seconds thought given to whether people should live or die is finally no thought at all.

That’s what Goode gave the killing of my family . . . no thought at all!

He also says he knew nothing of the fire being permitted to burn.

My God! The whole world watched instant replays of the bombing and raging fire that not only claimed 11 lives, but left an entire city block in ashes.

Yet Goode claims he didn’t know.

If he didn’t know, then what the hell fire was he referring to, when he says he gave repeated orders to put the fire out?

And since audacity is what it takes for him to say: “I killed no one,” he obviously has that too.

Wilson Goode approved the dropping of a bomb that killed 11 people. This makes him responsible for their dying.

Any thinking person knows the firm is always held accountable for the actions of its employees.

Ya know, people, it’s bad to allow something as ominous as a bomb to be dropped in your city.

But to know that lives were lost, among them five little kids, and say you’d do the same thing again, is reprehensible.

What can one justifiably say on behalf of a person like this?

What can he say with justification on his own behalf?

Wilson Goode is carrying the weight of 11 dead people.

Arrogance such as this will not make lighter the weight . . . but heavier.

The heavier the weight, the more increased the pressure.

And when under extreme and unrelieved pressure . . . we break!

At this time, Willie is sitting somewhere with tight jaws and flaring nostrils, dying to accuse me of character assassination.

He may as well stop hallucinating.

He has no character to assassinate!