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Par Funding overseer is collecting millions for investors two years after the fraud case began

The receiver's legal team has clawed back millions. The lawyers are also going after Par Funding's borrowers

In a federal lawsuit alleging that Par Funding defrauded investors, a court-appointed receiver has taken control of the assets of Par founders Joseph LaForte and his wife, Lisa McElhone. Here (clockwise from top left) are items that might be sold to pay back investors:   a building at 300 Market St. in Philadelphia bought for $4.4 million; their $333,000 yacht; two Swiss watches worth $154,000; a painting bought for $739,000; an $184,000 Bentley ; a building at 135-137 N. Third St in Philadelphia bought for $6.6 million; their private jet, and their $2.4 million estate in Lower Merion.
In a federal lawsuit alleging that Par Funding defrauded investors, a court-appointed receiver has taken control of the assets of Par founders Joseph LaForte and his wife, Lisa McElhone. Here (clockwise from top left) are items that might be sold to pay back investors: a building at 300 Market St. in Philadelphia bought for $4.4 million; their $333,000 yacht; two Swiss watches worth $154,000; a painting bought for $739,000; an $184,000 Bentley ; a building at 135-137 N. Third St in Philadelphia bought for $6.6 million; their private jet, and their $2.4 million estate in Lower Merion.Read moreReceiver Report