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With a $40 million limit, Pa.’s biggest pension fund is lawyering up to confront FBI probe

PSERS says eight staffers have hired fund-paid lawyers to represent them as the FBI investigates the plan. PSERS will pay up to $40 million in legal bills in any one year for staffers.

PIctured is the site of the demolished Patriot News building at 812 Market Street, Harrisburg on April 11, 2019. The building was purchased by PSERS and now figures in an FBI probe of the agency. The fund generously covers its staff's legal expenses. For the Inquirer/Kalim A. Bhatti
PIctured is the site of the demolished Patriot News building at 812 Market Street, Harrisburg on April 11, 2019. The building was purchased by PSERS and now figures in an FBI probe of the agency. The fund generously covers its staff's legal expenses. For the Inquirer/Kalim A. BhattiRead moreKalim A. Bhatti