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Powerball winner works his shift, shifts to a 'Vette

CURTICE, Ohio - An autoworker who bought the lucky Powerball ticket for himself and 13 co-workers in Detroit is so dedicated to his job that he showed up late to a news conference in his Ohio hometown to talk about his winnings.

CURTICE, Ohio - An autoworker who bought the lucky Powerball ticket for himself and 13 co-workers in Detroit is so dedicated to his job that he showed up late to a news conference in his Ohio hometown to talk about his winnings.

Bill Shanteau put in 12 hours at a Chrysler plant that makes Jeep Grand Cherokees yesterday before heading to the news conference in Curtice and arrived two hours late.

The autoworkers had one of two winning tickets in last week's $96.9 million Powerball drawing, and Shanteau says most of them plan to keep working.

So far, Shanteau is the only one who's come forward publicly.

The others are all from the Detroit area.

Each of the autoworkers will get $1.2 million after taxes.