Here are the top cigar lounges in the Philly region
Where to find the best cigar lounges in and around Philly.
We’re not blowing smoke when we say there’s a long list of premiere cigar lounges in Philadelphia. The city boasts an impressive array of cigar lounges, offering aficionados a blend of comfort, sophistication, and camaraderie.
Whether you’re seeking sleek ambience, knowledgeable staff, or a vast selection of premium cigars, the city delivers. Here’s a guide to some of the best cigar lounges in the region:
Ashton Cigar Bar
Ashton Cigar Bar is an oasis for cigar enthusiasts. The Rittenhouse hang is tailor-made for the Philadelphia elite, with lush furnishings and a sleek design matching the swagger of its patrons. A recent renovation added plush seating and a chic moss wall, complementing the bar’s upscale vibe. If you’re looking to end a night out at a suave cigar spot, Ashton should be at the top of the list.
📍1522 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19102, 📞 267-350-0000, 🌐
The Cigar Code
The Cigar Code has unlocked all the elements of entertainment. The spacious Northern Liberties lounge houses a state-of-the-art humidor filled with high-quality cigars, and the walls hold large TVs that are primed for another Eagles Super Bowl run. There’s also a full menu that includes well-crafted cocktails, small tapas, and entrées like pesto Alfredo pasta, jerk chicken kebabs, and lamb ribs. Once patrons are done enjoying their food and cigars, they can head upstairs to Roar Nightclub for a night out on Delaware Avenue.
📍939 N. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 19123, 📞 267-858-6925, 🌐
Cappelli Brothers Cigar Company
Down the street from Ashton Cigar Bar and nestled among the bustling nightclub scene in Midtown Village is Cappelli Brothers Cigar Company. The cigar shop has a selection of classic brands, like Arturo Fuente, Montecristo, Tatuaje, and other major manufacturers. Hungry? Head next door to Pizzeria Cappelli for wings or a late-night slice. Then catch a college football playoff game at the bar counter or slip into the comforting chairs at the downstairs lounge.
📍211 S. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19107, 📞 215-546-1315, 🌐
Smokin' Silverbacks Cigar Lounge
Fishtown’s newest addition, Smokin’ Silverbacks, opened in October. Founded by four friends, the lounge emphasizes elegance and a welcoming atmosphere. It’s quickly become a favorite among local cigar enthusiasts.
📍25 E. Allen St. Fl. 2, Philadelphia, Pa. 19123 📞 267-534-4965, 🌐
SMoKE Cigar Lounge
Manayunk’s SMoKE Cigar Lounge spans nearly 3,000 square feet, featuring leather couches, a massive projector, and a sprawling selection of finely crafted cigars. The experience is elevated by the shop’s expert curators, who guide inexperienced smokers to their favorite sticks and introduce exotic options to patrons with experimental tastes.
📍4453 Main St., Manayunk, Pa. 19127, 📞 215-330-2288, 🌐
Harry’s Cigar Shop
A staple since 1938, Harry’s in Old City offers rare cigars and premium smoking accessories. The second floor features leather seating for a laid-back experience, while outdoor spaces provide room to socialize. Keep an eye out for cigar box deals to enhance your home collection.
📍233 Church St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19106, 📞 215-282-9535, 🌐
The Cigar Republic
Cozy up with a cigar and whiskey at the Cigar Republic in Conshohocken. The 5,000-square-foot space offers a walk-in humidor, specialty cocktails, and a full bar of bourbons and beers. Watch a Sixers game or enjoy live music on select nights.
📍126 Fayette St., Conshohocken, Pa. 19428, 📞 610-553-4827 🌐
Cigar Mojo
After shopping at King of Prussia Mall, unwind at Cigar Mojo. The venue features indoor and outdoor seating, a stocked humidor, and events like cigar dinners. With brands like Padron and Oliva, it’s a destination for both cigars and community.
📍197 E. DeKalb Pike Ste. 100, King of Prussia, Pa. 19406; and 10 Liberty Blvd. Ste. 100, Malvern, Pa. 19355, 📞 610-564-2471, 🌐