Six months of safety inspections at Roxborough Memorial Hospital: January to June
The Philadelphia hospital was cited for paperwork violations in the first six months of the year.

Roxborough Memorial Hospital in Philadelphia was cited by Pennsylvania health officials for failing to document whether medical staff were properly trained to use alcohol-based antiseptic solutions for the skin, which can be flammable, to prepare patients for surgery.
The incident was one of three times state inspectors visited the hospital to investigate potential safety problems between January and June.
Here’s a look at the publicly available details:
Feb. 22: Inspectors came for a routine safety inspection of a new bariatric services unit the hospital was opening and found that administrators did not have documentation to prove that medical staff had received mandatory annual training for using combustible skin preparation solutions in 2022 and 2023. The hospital retrained staff, and established an online system to assign training sessions to employees and monitor when they complete it.
June 11: Inspectors investigated a complaint but found the hospital was in compliance. Complaint details are not made public when inspectors determine it was unfounded.
June 17: Inspectors followed up on the February citation and found the hospital in compliance.