Chichester at Interboro high school football game is called off due to weapon threat
The game between Chichester and Interboro high schools was scheduled for 7 p.m. Friday at Interboro.

Steve Lennox has spent most of his Friday nights during the football season for the last 27 years coaching on the sideline. But Friday night, in a first for the Interboro head coach, the game that was scheduled did not take place.
School and police officials called off the Bucs’ home game against Del-Val League rival Chichester (3-5) because of a threat that a student would bring a weapon to the game. The game was also senior night for Interboro (0-8).
“It’s kind of like the rug is pulled out from under you,” Lennox said as he made other plans for Friday night. “It’s not just football. Tonight was our senior night, parent night. We honor the seniors not just on the football team but for the band and the cheerleaders.”
Officials will try to reschedule the game, according to a notice on the Chichester School District’s website.
The schools’ administrations and police departments are investigating the threat, Chichester Superintendent Dan Nerelli said in an alert on the district website. The nature of the alleged threat, including who was involved, how it was communicated, or what kind of weapon was threatened, was not released.
Officials called off the game, Nerelli wrote, “to ensure the safety of the students, staff, and community.”
Police and Chichester officials could not be immediately reached for comment.
Lennox said his team was devastated when the players got the news.
“For some of these kids, as underclassmen, they’ve seen the senior night for the seniors ahead of them as they were sophomores and juniors, and it’s a cool thing," Lennox said. “They look forward, and their parents look forward to it, too. It’s really a shame.”
With his unplanned night off, Lennox said he was going to watch Delco rival Ridley play Harriton in preparation for Interboro’s Thanksgiving game against Ridley.
“It’s a community school, and people rally around the football program,” Lennox said of Interboro. “There’s a void right now tonight for the kids, parents and the community.”