Meet the Trailyweds: A Philly man met his future wife hiking in the woods. Years later, their love story is going viral.
Travis King of Philadelphia was looking for water on the Appalachian Trail. He found his future wife, Sarah, instead. Now, their love story is going viral.

Travis King of Philadelphia was looking for water on the Appalachian Trail. He followed his map toward a spot with a large capital ‘W.’ Instead, he found his future wife. Now, their love story is going viral.
Sarah and Travis King met in 2015 while hiking a New York leg of the Appalachian Trail. Travis was a marketing director from Philadelphia and Sarah, a writer and singer based out of New York. They were both trying to get away from city life for Memorial Day weekend.
In a story that ran in CNN’s travel section last week and garnered over 150,000 likes on Instagram, Sarah described finding Travis attractive but also feeling “instantly comfortable” around him. Still, she tried to play it cool. “Give me your number and I’ll text you the map that I use,” she told him as he continued his quest to find water.
The ‘phone number fiasco’
When Sarah got reception again, she texted Travis. When she didn’t hear back, she texted him again the next day. A woman named Kathy responded that Sarah had the wrong number.
“People always assume that only nut jobs are out in the woods,” Sarah told CNN. “So everybody’s like, ‘Why do you care? Why are you upset that he’s not texting you back?’” Her friends suggested Travis was married, and Sarah had texted his wife. Or that he purposefully gave Sarah a fake number.
Still, Sarah said, she felt like Travis was different. Back in Philadelphia, Travis was unsure why Sarah hadn’t texted him yet.
They didn’t have each other’s full names or details to help find one another on social media.
But their story wasn’t over. Days later, briefing a friend about the exchange, Sarah showed them Travis’ phone number. The friend suggested a digit was off and told Sarah to change it from a six to a five. With nothing to lose, she tried.
Both iPhone users, dots appeared on the screen showing someone was responding to Sarah’s “hello” text.
“Who is this?”
“Sarah from the woods?” She told CNN the question mark was meant to be an exclamation point, but she was typing too excitedly. The reply came: “Where’s the map you were going to send me?” It was him.
“I have such fond memories of the number fiasco,” one friend of Sarah’s recalled on Instagram.
The pair quickly arranged to see each other again.
“From the time she first reached out to me with that text — ‘Sarah from the woods question mark’ — I felt like she was almost my best friend by default,” Travis told CNN.
The pair quickly became inseparable — and committed to an exclusive relationship with alternating trips to New York, Philadelphia, and the Appalachian Trail.
Meet the Trailyweds
On a beach in Hawaii in 2016, Travis proposed.
In a post for Women Who Hike — a social media group meant to create a safe space and share resources for women hikers — Sarah discussed her engagement.
“People often ask which one of us got the other into hiking, and we get some funny looks when we explain we actually met in the woods!” Sarah wrote. “I hope more women come to understand they don’t need a man to help ‘get into camping’ or spend time outdoors. Knowing we both love getting into nature has guided our relationship from the start.”
They spent their engagement traveling the country and got married in 2017 in Colorado’s Rocky National Park.
“Just us in nature, like when we first met,” Sarah wrote in her Women Who Hike post. They commemorated their vows with a photo shoot on the Adirondack Mountains.
Sarah wore a white gown and a flower crown. Travis wore a vest and tie, but topped things off with knit beanie. They both wore their hiking shoes.
On Instagram, the couple launched a joint account to commemorate their love and travels. They called it “Trailyweds,” and it features the pair posing in their wedding outfits every year for their anniversary. Their 2021 anniversary photo also includes face masks.
“It is pretty rad to know we’ll be #adventurebuddies for life,” one caption said.
‘Crazy cool’ story gets love online
Together, the duo built a new life together. They quit their jobs and sold their suburban Philadelphia condo. They spent nearly a year road-tripping and hiking — including Vermont’s Long Trail and Scotland’s West Highland Way — in hopes of finding their new home.
Eventually, they landed on a cabin in Vermont. They also got a cat named Puddles.
“We met and married ... traveled the country and abroad and found a place to call home,” Sarah wrote on an Instagram post. “We grew as a team and worked together toward common goals.”
Since their love story was publicized last week, friends and family have joined in with their own commentary.
“We weren’t too sure about ‘Travis from the woods’ for a while until we met him,” one man who identified himself as an immediate family member said on Facebook.
People are still confused by how Sarah’s friend knew to swap out a digit in Travis’ phone number.
“[I have] no idea [how she did it]!” Sarah wrote. “Bonkers space cadet energy!! i love it!”
Neither Sarah or Travis could be reached for comment as of publication time. This story will be updated if they get back to us.