What has living through the COVID-19 pandemic been like for you?
After about a year of a global pandemic, The Inquirer is asking how you're feeling about how things have been going and what you're looking forward to beyond the coronavirus.

It’s been a year, to say the least. A year of loss for hundreds of thousands of families and a year of firsts for mostly everyone. This time last year, almost no one thought they’d be living through 12 months of a global pandemic.
Now, we’ve been through it all. We’ve learned a lot about the novel coronavirus, and the science behind how viruses spread and how vaccines are made. Essential and medical workers have learned how to get their jobs done with social distancing and masks. Plenty of people tried their hand at baking bread and wondered what “amid” really means.
Because we’re about a year into the pandemic, we were wondering how you’re feeling about how things have gone and where they’re going.
Please check out the six questions below and share your response to any or all of them. We’ll be publishing a selection of reactions from Philly-area residents in the weeks ahead.