Hear what funnyman Dave Barry had to say at his 50th Haverford College reunion - prepare to laugh
Barry, 71, is a Pulitzer Prize winning humor columnist who worked for the Miami Herald from 1983 to 2005. He graduated from Haverford in 1969 and began his journalism career two years later at the West Chester Daily Local News, before moving on to the Associated Press and then to the Herald.

Funnyman Dave Barry entertained fellow alumni at Haverford College’s 50th reunion Saturday.
Barry, 71, is a Pulitzer Prize-winning humor columnist who graduated from Haverford in 1969 with a bachelor’s in English and began his career in journalism two years later at the West Chester Daily Local News. He later moved to the Philadelphia bureau of the Associated Press before heading to Miami, where worked for the Miami Herald from 1983 to 2005.
At the weekend event, Barry had the audience rolling.
Of his time at Haverford:
“Do they still ring the bell, or is that considered a trigger now?”
More on Haverford:
“We were down by the duck pond one night ... and the ducks actually came out of the water and started walking toward us in what appeared to be a formation.” His friend became concerned that they were some form of law enforcement, he said. “We had to leave the area. And if you wonder why that happened, then you were not there in the ’60s.”
And as for Miami?
“We have a new motto down there, tourism promotion motto: Come back to Miami. We weren’t shooting at you.”
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