Dispute over transportation and tuition for Deptford’s vocational students drags into new school year
Deptford school district is appealing a decision by the state Department of Education that it must provide bus transportation for students attending Gloucester County Institute of Technology.

A dispute that began in January when the Deptford Township School District said it would no longer provide transportation and tuition for its students to attend a county vocational program will drag into the 2022-23 school year.
After the South Jersey district appealed the February decision by the state Department of Education to an administrative law judge, a hearing date has yet to be scheduled, according to an Aug. 5 letter from Avé Altersitz, Gloucester County’s interim executive superintendent.
In the meantime, Altersitz told the district the decision stands, and Deptford will be responsible for providing and paying for transportation for certain freshmen to attend the Gloucester County Institute of Technology.
» READ MORE: South Jersey school district says it will stop paying for transportation and tuition for its county vocational school
In the letter, obtained by The Inquirer, Altersitz directed Deptford Superintendent Arthur Dietz to notify parents of students enrolled in four vocational programs that they would be permitted to attend the vocational school.
It was unclear whether the same letter was sent to the parents or whether bus passes had been provided. Dietz and Salvatore Randazzo, a district spokesperson, did not respond to numerous requests for comment.
Michael C. Dicken, the Gloucester County Institute of Technology’s superintendent, declined to comment, citing the ongoing legal battle. He has previously said the county vocational school sent acceptance letters to about 425 eighth graders from Deptford and around the region and was hopeful the dispute could be resolved.
“GCIT remains committed to continuing our normal procedures regarding application and acceptance into our programs,” Dicken said in a statement. “We also remain committed to ensuring that our students and their families’ rights are protected.”
The case has been closely watched by the New Jersey Council of County Vocational-Technical Schools. More than 35,000 students are enrolled in 21 county vocational-technical school districts across the state.
The disagreement began when the Deptford district said it would no longer cover costs for incoming freshmen who planned to pursue any of four course offerings at the vocational school that were also offered at Deptford High School. Deptford said a state law forcing it to cover costs doesn’t apply if the district offers similar programs.
Altersitz found that although Deptford offers programs with the same classification of instruction, the district doesn’t have a vocational school and therefore is responsible for transportation and tuition, he said.
Even with that ruling, the district said it had no plans to rescind its January letter to parents informing them it wouldn’t pay. That caused some angst for parents of rising freshmen, who had to decide last spring whether they would enter the county vocational program, also known as the Gloucester County Vocational-Technical School District.
» READ MORE: A South Jersey school district still refuses to pay tuition for certain vocational students even after state letter
Deptford has contended that it offers the same courses as the institute — biomedical and nursing/allied health, engineering, computer science, and carpentry. State and vocation officials believe Deptford has incorrectly interpreted state regulations.
About 20% of Deptford students leave the district for the vocational school, where about 1,500 students, including from 18 other districts in the county, attend a sprawling complex. Deptford said it spends about $649,485 for tuition for about 255 students, and an additional $100,000 a year for transportation.
Dietz, Deptford’s superintendent, has said the district would continue to provide for students currently enrolled in the county program until their expected graduation. Students enrolled in programs not offered at Deptford High will also not be affected, he said, unless the district creates the same program.