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Tear gas, then handcuffs: I am an Inquirer journalist who was arrested for doing my job

Without signs, barricades, or prior directions, there was no way for me to know I was in the wrong spot, but I quickly turned around. Less than a minute later, two officers walked toward me. They put my hands behind my back, took the helmet I was wearing off of my head, took my backpack away.

Inquirer reporter Kristen Graham was arrested June 1 after covering protests in Center City. She was handcuffed and taken into custody for being out past curfew despite having an essential employee exemption, displaying her press pass prominently and telling officers she was a reporter.
Inquirer reporter Kristen Graham was arrested June 1 after covering protests in Center City. She was handcuffed and taken into custody for being out past curfew despite having an essential employee exemption, displaying her press pass prominently and telling officers she was a reporter.Read moreKristen A. Graham