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Philly’s new superintendent asked 98 people to help him assess Philly schools. Here’s who he chose.

Eighty people have been tapped to help the new superintendent acclimate to the Philadelphia School District.

Tony B. Watlington Sr., Philadelphia's new superintendent, announces his transition team, to be headed by Andrea Custis of the Urban League of Philadelphia (seated to his left) and Donald "Guy" Generals, CCP president (seated, center). Also pictured is Betty Morgan, a consultant and former superintendent who was hired to help with the transition.
Tony B. Watlington Sr., Philadelphia's new superintendent, announces his transition team, to be headed by Andrea Custis of the Urban League of Philadelphia (seated to his left) and Donald "Guy" Generals, CCP president (seated, center). Also pictured is Betty Morgan, a consultant and former superintendent who was hired to help with the transition.Read moreErin Blewett