Super Bowl stakes are high. Now Ben Franklin’s involved.
The bets are on Poor Richard, the Philly zoo's elephant, school spirit. Is nothing sacred? Nah.

Those Super Bowl bets keep flying, and now one of Benjamin Franklin’s famous almanacs is in the game.
The American Philosophical Society’s Library & Museum is betting the loan of one of its Poor Richard’s Almanacks on an Eagles victory. The almanacs were written by Franklin, who founded the society in 1743. If the Birds lose, Kansas City’s Linda Hall Library, well-known for its science, engineering and technology works, will get to display the historic almanac.
If the Eagles are victorious, the Linda Hall Library has agreed to loan the philosophical society its first edition of Mary Somerville’s On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences to include in its 2023 exhibition “Pursuit and Persistence: 300 Years of Women in Science.”
Somerville, a 19th-century Scottish writer, was known as the “Queen of Science” for her ability to explain complex ideas.
“The APS has been promoting useful knowledge in Philadelphia for 280 years, and we look forward to displaying Somerville’s work in our women in science exhibition when the Eagles win,” said Mary Grace Wahl, the society’s associate director of collections and exhibitions.
Linda Hall Library president Lisa Browar suggested they shouldn’t be so sure.
“We look forward to a Chiefs’ victory over the Eagles and the opportunity to host Benjamin Franklin’s famous almanac in Kansas City,” she said.
Other Super Bowl wagers have been made as well in anticipation of Sunday’s big game.
Jay Feldstein, president of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM), announced that he and Marc Hahn, president of Kansas City University, which has its own College of Osteopathic Medicine, have made their own friendly Super Bowl bet.
Both schools are doing community fundraisers. The school with the losing team will contribute to the other school’s cause. If the Eagles win, the gift will go to the PCOM Student Emergency Fund to fight food insecurity. In addition, the president on the losing end of the bet will send a gift of regional food to the winning president and wear the opposing team’s colors.
The Philadelphia Zoo and Kansas City Zoo have both jumped into the fray. If the Eagles win, Polar Mahomes, the polar bear statue at the entrance to the Kansas City Zoo, will have to don Eagles gear. If the Chiefs are victorious, the Philly Zoo’s elephant statue, Cow Elephant and Calf, by artist Heinz Warneke, will have to get decked out in Chiefs’ duds.
Community College of Philadelphia and Metropolitan Community College in Kansas City have been engaged in a good-natured social media competition to see who has the most school and football spirit. On Wednesday, Philly’s community college had a Eagles tailgate on its campus with food, music, games, and fashion show. Ultimately, the losing college’s president will have to wear the winning team’s Super Bowl LVII gear and their college’s gear for two days.
CCP’s social media hashtags on the contest is #ccpbirdgang and #ccpvsmcc.
These bettors join the many others with stakes in the big game. Some of the most prominent are the Philadelphia Art Museum and Kansas City’s Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, which have agreed that the losing city’s museum will loan the victor’s museum one of its prize artworks. In addition the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry and the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry have a deal where the organization with the winning team will get treated to some of the losing state’s tastiest culinary exports.