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Cartoon: Giving out Halloween candy during a pandemic

Halloween is great, but is it really worth risking a bout of coronavirus over a lousy Twix bar?

Rob Tornoe's coronavirus cartoon for Friday, October 9.
Rob Tornoe's coronavirus cartoon for Friday, October 9.Read moreRob Tornoe / staff

Okay, so maybe using a t-shirt cannon as a candy delivery device on Halloween isn’t the way to go.

Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, parents are Googling furiously looking for ways to safely trick-or-treat with their little kids. Nevermind that the CDC is advising against the normal routine, since traveling door-to-door greeting strangers seems like a pretty efficient way to transmit the virus.

I have two kids — one’s three, one’s five. I get that we all want to get back to normal, but I don’t feel an overwhelming need to force my children out on the street to congregate outside my neighbors' houses. I’ll accept a moderate level of risk to get my kid back in the classroom, but why is it necessary to risk anything for some cheap candy?

That’s not to say the holiday can’t be celebrated safely, especially since it takes place outdoors. I’ve seen stories about parents incorporating cloth masks into their kids costumes, and all sorts of innovative ways people are trying to make trick-or-treating as safe as possible (one enterprising Ohio father built a candy chute). Plus, those at greater risk or who simply don’t want to put their health in jeopardy can keep their porch light off.

But for me, I’d rather err on the side of caution, especially since cases are continuing to increase across the region. Instead, my wife and I are excited about starting some new traditions, including a Halloween piñata and a scary(ish) movie night. And we’ll get the kids out to trick-or-treat at a local campground, where my family and a few close friends can set up something of a Halloween bubble.

Will it be the same? Of course not. But it’s better that risking a bout with COVID-19 over a lousy Twix bar.

» READ MORE: 9 medical experts on how their kids are safely celebrating Halloween

More coronavirus cartoons from The Inquirer

Here’s a roundup of some COVID-19 cartoons from me and my colleague, Signe Wilkinson. For more editorial cartoons, visit the Inquirer’s cartoon section.