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How long does it take to finish an investigation into a pathetic Philadelphia detective? Too long. | Helen Ubiñas

Det. John Komorowski, who was busted for DUI and threatening an officer, has been under investigation for an earlier racial incident for more than a year.

Police investigate a shooting with multiple victims in the Spring Garden section of Philadelphia on June 10.
Police investigate a shooting with multiple victims in the Spring Garden section of Philadelphia on June 10.Read moreAlejandro A Alvarez / Staff Photographer

The Watergate burglars were indicted in less time.

O.J. Simpson’s trial wrapped up faster, too. As did Bill Cosby’s first and second trials.

In fact, ever since a Philadelphia homicide detective was caught on camera in 2018 hurling a racial slur at a man who allegedly caught him soliciting a prostitute, a lot has happened:

Philadelphia got a new police commissioner, a longtime councilwoman was dethroned, a state representative was indicted for stealing from a nonprofit, went to prison … and came back.

And yet the investigation into Detective John Komorowski continues.

Sometimes a story comes along that can only be summed up with a throaty three-letter abbreviation.

Enter the one written by my colleagues William Bender and Barbara Laker this week, with each stunning detail a bigger WTF than the next.

Komorowski, on desk duty for that outstanding racial incident, was busted last week for driving under the influence and threatening an officer in a situation that sounds very similar.

The report for Komorowski’s arrest stated that he was drunk with his pants unzipped when he allegedly told a fellow officer, “I will end your career.”

The officer ended his night by arresting him after his vehicle allegedly struck two parked cars.

Speaking of ending careers, Komorowski’s career has miraculously managed to chug along since December 2018, when he appeared in a Facebook video getting out of a car in North Philly while tucking in his shirt. Komorowski called the man who was filming him a “white n—.”

Warning: This Facebook video contains vulgar and racist language.

Nineteen months later, the story noted, the investigation is still ongoing.

Nineteen months!

I called the Philadelphia Police Department looking for some clarification, but after speaking with police spokesperson Inspector Sekou Kinebrew, I didn’t hear anything that justified the delay, especially when Komorowski’s racist remark was caught on camera. (I’m sure the Karens who have been fired after their embarrassing videos went public want to speak to the manager right about now.)

Consider the obvious, or what should be obvious: Having a guy like this in your ranks in whatever capacity erodes public trust — you know that thing that’s long been crumbling around every police department in the country?

But in Philadelphia — where almost half of murders went unsolved last year — employing a homicide detective with this kind of baggage is repugnant.

Can you imagine losing a loved one and having Komorowski show up to your door?

It’s no wonder Philadelphians lose faith in their police department.

Now, this is the part where the “Back the Blue” bros start crying about police being underappreciated and under attack.

Except that isn’t altogether true in Philly. Even while cops are posting racist and sexist remarks on social media and pepper-spraying kneeling protesters, many of the very residents police routinely disrespect and dismiss still support them.

Nearly every day I talk to mothers of homicide victims who aren’t just rooting for the police but who are doing anything they can — including officers’ jobs — so someone will answer for killing their loved ones.

They mine social media for any information that might help police solve the case. They plaster the neighborhoods where their children were killed with flyers pleading for someone to come forward.

Mothers like Tamika Morales and Oddess Blocker, who lost sons this year and are desperate for answers.

“There are videos going around of my son being murdered and not one person has come forward,” said Blocker.

I didn’t have the heart to tell her that there are mothers in the city who have waited years (some, decades) for justice.

Moms like Yullio Robbins, whose son James Walke III was shot and killed in 2016 in the middle of the afternoon on a Germantown street.

I’ve written about Robbins and her relentless search for justice. She’s luckier than most: The detective working her son’s case keeps in touch, and promises to continue investigating until someone answers for his death. But she called recently to ask if I could publicize her son’s death again in hopes of getting someone to come forward.

Walke’s birthday was July 23. He would have been 32. The family gathered at his graveside.

Robbins was heartbroken about all the murders in Philadelphia — upwards of 245 so far this year — and the growing number of families impacted.

She has reason to be disheartened, enraged even. But instead she remains hopeful.

“I have to be,” she said. “I have to believe my James will get justice.”

And then she said something that left me speechless:

“Our police commissioner needs more support,” she said.

“My heart hurts for her.”

Imagine — a grieving mother hurting for the city’s top cop.

Imagine if police showed this kind of grace and respect to those they are sworn to serve as opposed to the despicable cops who are nothing but an embarrassment to the city and the uniform.