Bryce Harper hits 466-foot home run in Phillies-Rockies first inning
The home run seems to be a little more evidence that Harper is pulling himself out of an early-season funk.

Bryce Harper’s first swing on Saturday afternoon was fast, the contact was loud, and the result was far.
Harper crushed a home run in the first inning of Saturday that sailed over the brick wall in center field before landing on Ashburn Alley and bouncing to the back fence of Citizens Bank Park. The solo homer traveled 466 feet, according to MLB’s Statcast data.
The home run seems to be a little more evidence that Harper is pulling himself out of an early-season funk. He has a hit in four-straight games, laced a two-run double on Saturday night, and has consistently made hard contact this week. Harper’s homer left his bat at 114.1 mph. It was loud.
“I just try to go out there and have good at-bats. That’s pretty much it,” Harper said earlier this week. “I kind of look at the bad ones more than the good ones. I look at that last at-bat and I could have walked, but I swung at a pitch over my head three times. I have to get better at that. I have to get better at seeing pitches and getting on base a little bit more. I have to be better.”