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How to get help with Peco bills

Whether you need help lowering your PECO bill, paying it, dealing with an overdue bill, or just need an extension, here are some programs that can help.

If your PECO bill is too high, here are some programs that can help.;
If your PECO bill is too high, here are some programs that can help.;Read moreCynthia Greer

With Philadelphia in the middle of a heat emergency, it’s easy for many people to crank up the AC to avoid temperatures of over 100 degrees. However, doing so can increase your electricity bill. Top that off with the fact that Peco’s price per kilowatt increased on July 1 and is set to increase again on Sept. 1, and your monthly bill can get pricey.

If you live in Philadelphia, or in one of the five counties Peco supplies energy to (Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and York), here is what you can do to help you pay your electricity bill:


Customer Assistance Program (CAP)

If you are under the federal poverty line, CAP can help you lower your payment on a monthly basis by giving you credit on your Peco bill. What makes this program different is it takes into consideration the weather. So, you will receive more credits in the summer or during periods when you need to use more energy.

How much it gives is assessed on a case-by-case basis. But, three variables make up the amount: your total household income, how much energy you used in the last 12 months, and how much of your income goes to paying for electricity. To qualify, you must be enrolled with Peco for both electric and natural gas supply.

Deadline: You can apply at any time. If you need help applying, call 1-800-774-7040.

To apply: Apply online at, or download the form (in English and Spanish) and submitted by email, or by mail.

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

If you are a renter, homeowner, or subsidized housing tenant — below 150% of the poverty line — and need help paying for heating, you can apply for LIHEAP. In 2021, approximately 73,000 Peco costumers qualified.

You can qualify for up to $1,500 per year, part paid directly to your Peco account, and part put aside for an emergency fund that can be used to cover past-due payments, pay for fuel, or repair leaky pipes or a broken furnace.

Deadline: 2022 applications are currently closed. The deadline for 2023 hasn’t been set, but it’s usually in May or June. .

To apply: Apply online at, or download the form (in English and Spanish) and take it to your local County Assistance Office. You can also call 1-800-344-3574 and they will mail you an application.

» READ MORE: Energy bills are high and not coming down soon. Here are ways to cut costs


Peco payment arrangements

If you are behind on your bill, and owe less than $3,000, payment arrangements are an option. Through this program, Peco determines a payment plan based on your household income (make sure the information Peco has on file about your income is up to date before you apply). You may qualify for a regular arrangement plan — with up to 24 months to pay — or an extended arrangement, up to 60 months.

Deadline: Apply at any time. As long as your service is active, you don’t have an active bankruptcy case, and aren’t part of a COVID-19 payment arrangement, you may qualify.

To apply: Apply online at, or by calling 1-888-480-1533.

Utility Emergency Services Fund (UESF)

If you live in Philly and were notified your service is about to be shut off or it has already been, UESF can help. As long as you are 175% below the federal poverty line (for example, you’re a family of four with a monthly income of up to $4,047, or a single person making less than $1,982 a month), you can qualify for up to $500 a year. You have to have applied for LIHEAP first.

This program runs in conjunction with Peco: For every dollar of financial assistance UESF gives you, Peco matches it. The goal is for the program to cover your past-due account in full, but if it doesn’t, you are responsible for the difference.

Folks living outside Philadelphia can still apply through different partners in their specific county.

Deadline: You can apply at any time throughout the year. Call 1-800-774-7040 to check your eligibility.

To apply: Apply in Philadelphia by calling 215-972-5170 (UESF).


Due Date Extension

This is not a solution for every monthly bill, but if you have a month where you can’t pay your bill by its deadline, this can buy you some time. Peco will still charge you a late payment fee —2% of your total bill, but this program will prevent your bill from going to collections. You can apply for a due date extension only twice a year.

If approved, it can give you 21 extra days to pay. But be mindful, since this covers only one month, your extended deadline might fall close to your next bill due date.

Deadline: You can apply at any time, as long as your service hasn’t been disconnected, don’t have a current extension, are not enrolled in a payment arrangement, AutoPay (automatic payment), or Summary Billing (which consolidates multiple utility bills into one monthly bill). If you are not sure if you qualify, Peco has a tool to help you. Once the system checks your eligibility, you are automatically enrolled.

To apply: Apply online at


LIURP: Low-Income Usage Reduction Program

Under LIURP, Peco runs two free programs to help you find ways to save energy to reduce your monthly cost:

Virtual energy assessment: You will connect with a Peco energy adviser online and show them your home. They will tell you what changes you can make to lower the amount of energy you consume, and evaluate the energy efficiency of your appliances. At the end of the assessment, they will mail you a pack of free energy-saving items.

In-home energy check-up: It’s similar to the virtual assessment, but you can get an in-home visit only if you are below 200% of the poverty line, and use more than 600-kilowatt hours of non-electric heating or 1,400 kilowatt hours of electric heating.

Deadline: Apply any time.

To apply: Apply by calling 1-800-675-0222

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The Philadelphia Inquirer is one of more than 20 news organizations producing Broke in Philly, a collaborative reporting project on solutions to poverty and the city’s push toward economic justice. See all of our reporting at