Councilman Jones Makes First Phillies Bet
As usual, Councilman Curtis Jones Jr. has made the first Phillies wager. Check out the release below:
Councilman Jones and the Phillies vs. Cincinnati Council President Cecil Thomas and the Reds
PHILADELPHIA- Philadelphia Councilman Curtis Jones, Jr. wages Cincinnati City Council for National League Playoff Series between the Philadelphia Phillies and the Cincinnati Reds. On Monday, October 4, 2010 Councilman Jones placed a friendly challenge to Cincinnati Council President Cecil Thomas on the 1st round of the National League Playoffs live on Cincinnati, Ohio Air WDBZ the Buzz. Councilman Jones is a true Philadelphia fan, supporting and proclaiming his support each year for our City's beloved Fighting Phillies Baseball team. Throughout his freshman tenure Councilman Jones has received candid gifts such as Books for his council libraries and Hot Dogs following polishing off the L.A. Dodgers while Florida Tampa Bay Rays Councilman John Dingfelder delivered to Philadelphia Cuban sandwiches and guava pastries. This year, Councilman Jones looks forward to receiving Cincinnati famous Grater's Ice Cream, Gold Star Chili and a "Met" from Cincinnati City Council.
"Although, it is not a fair bet to wage a Philadelphia cheese-steak, for a Cincinnati "met," the deal is complete against Cincinnati City Council, and I have been known to gain a pound or two off of these wagers throughout the past 3 years." –Councilman Curtis Jones, Jr.