Sandy, 14; Stink bugs, 0
That's the count for the past 24 hours. I can still hear on buzzing around somewhere, but I can't find it. At least there don't seem to be many on the second floor any more. Maybe it just got too hot for them. As of last night at about
That's the count for the past 24 hours. I can still hear on buzzing around somewhere, but I can't find it.
At least there don't seem to be many on the second floor any more. Maybe it just got too hot for them.
As of last night at about 9 p.m., here was the temperature gradient:
Outside: 82 degrees.
Second floor: 89.1
First floor (with air-conditioning): 78
Basement: 63.9
But I'm still not sleeping down there. The first floor was just fine.