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One Franklin hawk fledges

Moments ago, the Franklin Institute announced that one of the three young red-tailed hawks hatched earlier this spring on a ledge of the museum took its first flight today. The birds' fans -- they've garnered plenty -- were lined up on the sidewalk outside to watch. And viewership on the museum's live web feed shot up to 355.

Details aren't up yet on Della Micah's Hawkwatch blog, but I'm sure they will be soon, along with Kay Meng's amazing photos.  Page through the blog, and you'll see close-ups of the birds' talons and a head feathers and gory meals and more.

The two hawks nested on the ledge last year and raised three young. One of them had trouble getting back to the nest on its first flight and had to be rescued. But then it was returned to the nest and all was well.

This year, the adults returned and had three more young. The drama continues.