Charity watchdog compares Clinton, Trump foundations
GuideStar: Clintons raise, spend, give, disclose lots more vs Trump
"The Trump Foundation and the Clinton Foundation are filed under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. tax code, meaning they legally cannot engage in electoral activity ...
"One exception, though. The Trump Foundation made one donation to a political action committee associated with Florida Attorney General Bondi. It is not legal for a foundation to make a donation to a PAC; the Trump Foundation has paid a $2,500 IRS fine for this infraction. The Trump Foundation characterized this as a clerical error although others have described it as a case of 'pay-to-play' ...
"The Clinton family's tax returns suggest that the majority of its charitable giving has been through the Clinton Foundation. Without access to Mr. Trump's tax forms it is difficult to know the scale of his charitable activities outside the Trump Foundation. But it does appear that the dollars have not matched the pledges.
"An investigation by the Washington Post has not been able to validate that Trump has actually donated the money he pledged, instead finding, 'Trump promised millions to charity. We found less than $10,000 over 7 years.' ... The last donation to the Trump Foundation by any of its trustees — family or otherwise—was in 2008 ...
"The Clinton family has — at least over the last several years — donated more money (and at a far higher proportion of their wealth) than the Trump family ... The Clintons have out-raised Trump. The Clintons' fundraising for their foundation is one aspect of a broader fundraising portfolio totaling $3 billion over the last four decades ... They are not alone operating at this level: the Bush family raised $2.4 billion over a similar period.
"Trump has certainly helped raise money for both charitable and electoral efforts, but the total is undoubtedly less than the Clintons'...