Lancaster Ave. policeman statue makes artful appearance at Ardmore train station
We're pretty amused at this photo, taken by Ardmore resident Douglas Muth and posted on the Save the Ardmore Coalition blog. Muth writes:
I spotted this earlier today.
It was pasted over the former "Ardmore Coffee and News" sign on the South side of Ardmore Train station.
I'm pretty sure the picture of the cop is that of the statue in front of Ardmore Toyota just up Lancaster Ave. Not sure where the sheep are from.
So is it vandalism, or art? And if it's art, what is the artist trying to convey? Discuss!
Head over to the SAC website to share your opinion, but if you're the artist, Neighbors wants to know who you are. That's not your everyday graffiti, and we'll be curious to see how long it lasts – or if the odd waving policeman we know so well from the Ardmore Toyota pops up anywhere else in town.