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Jason Sudeikis lost weight because of all that sex he's having with Olivia Wilde

Want a friendly reminder that your life isn't as great as Jason Sudeikis'? Check out the August issue of Elle, in which the ex-SNLer dishes on the nitty-gritty of his relationship with actress Olivia Wilde.

Want a friendly reminder that your life isn't as great as Jason Sudeikis'? Check out the August issue of Elle, in which the ex-SNLer dishes on the nitty-gritty of his relationship with actress Olivia Wilde. The two are set to be married (no date yet, though) and, let him tell you, they'll probably have one hell of a honeymoon. You know, because of all the sex.

ELLE: Do you have a masculine story you want to tell here?

JS: I mean, what better story than meeting the girl of your dreams, sweeping her off her feet, and then being strong enough to carry her out? That's my story.

ELLE: Speaking of which, you appear to have lost weight. Is that her influence?

JS: A lot of it comes from tiny things, like not eating barbecue sauce with my pizza at two in the morning. I think it's all a manifestation of being happy and wanting to treat myself well. The truth is, I'm not getting up an hour earlier and walking on a treadmill. I have the greatest workout partner in the world. And you don't need a gym membership for that kind of workout.

ELLE: Nice. She memorably said you two have "sex like Kenyan marathon runners." Was that an apt description?

JS: I would say it's accurate.

This has been your friendly reminder that you're not Jason Sudeikis and that Jason Sudeikis is having marathon sex with Olivia Wilde. Now you can go about the rest of your Thursday feeling mildly inadequate. [Elle]