Title: Chairman (now deceased) of Comcast Spectacor, Flyers' parent company. Home: Had homes in suburban Philadelphia and Montecito, Calif.
Title: Chairman (now deceased) of Comcast Spectacor, Flyers' parent company.
Home: Had homes in suburban Philadelphia and Montecito, Calif.
Family: Survived by wife, Lin; sons Jay, Craig and Samuel; daughters Lindy, Tina, and Sarena; 15 grandchildren.
Diplomas: University of Maryland graduate; honorary degrees from Hahnemann University and Thomas Jefferson University. Benefactor of the Sol C. Snider Entrepreneurial Center at Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
Resume: Cofounder of the Flyers; started numerous companies. Founder of the Ed Snider Youth Hockey Foundation. Creator of Flyers Charities, whose signature event, the Flyers' Wives Carnival, has raised more than $28 million for local causes since its inception in 1977.
Other: NHL legend Bob Clarke, during a celebration of Snider's life, said: "When I pass and when we all pass, we don't know where we're going. For me, I really hope when I get there, I get the chance to play one more game in the orange and black for Mr. Snider's Philadelphia Flyers."