Philly board gives go-ahead to Dranoff's Broad and Pine St. condo proposal
The plan for 28 stories of luxury condos at the corner is set for consideration by the city's architectural review panel a week after it was unveiled at a neighborhood meeting.

Carl Dranoff's new plan for 28 stories of luxury condos at the corner of Broad and Pine Streets has been given the green light by the Philadelphia Civic Design Review board.
The panel, which reviews and offers nonbinding suggestions for the city's largest development proposals, voted Tuesday to "conclude" its consideration of the 56-unit condo building with ground floor retail and underground parking, meaning it can now obtain zoning permits necessary for construction.
The proposal supplants Dranoff's previous plan for a 22-story building with 76 hotel rooms and 83 apartments known as the Hyde, which was to have been developed with the Los Angeles-based SBE Entertainment Group.
The proposed condo building is being designed by the studio of Philadelphia architect Cecil Baker, a Civic Design Review board member who recused himself from Tuesday's discussion.
The panel also voted Tuesday to conclude its review of the Wharton Academic Research Building, planned for a triangular parcel bounded by the 37th Street and Woodland Walks north of Spruce Street.