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Martha Stewart | A how-to with a little bit of latitude

WHEN I bought my house in Maine, on Mount Desert Island, about 10 years ago, I knew very little about the history, geography and topography of the beautiful island where I was planning to spend so many vacations. More than halfway up the coast of Maine, Mount Desert is best known for its largest town, Bar Harbor, and for Acadia National Park and its highest peak, Cadillac Mountain. I had spent a few weekends visiting the island over the years, hiking the superb trails of Acadia, climbing the rocky peaks and dreaming of owning just a little bit of that woodland seaside paradise.

WHEN I bought my house in Maine, on Mount Desert Island, about 10 years ago, I knew very little about the history, geography and topography of the beautiful island where I was planning to spend so many vacations. More than halfway up the coast of Maine, Mount Desert is best known for its largest town, Bar Harbor, and for Acadia National Park and its highest peak, Cadillac Mountain. I had spent a few weekends visiting the island over the years, hiking the superb trails of Acadia, climbing the rocky peaks and dreaming of owning just a little bit of that woodland seaside paradise.

Once I found Skylands, the former home of car designer and tycoon Edsel Ford, I began to immerse myself in the history of the region, reading the many books on the area and studying maps on display in antiques and hiking shops.

I learned a tremendous amount and became fascinated with the many beautiful maps I discovered. They were so varied - some in color, some black-and-white, some illustrated, some antique.

The Skylands house is divided into three distinct zones: the family living quarters, the kitchen and pantries, and the laundry rooms. In the '20s, '30s and '40s, the family never ventured into the back kitchen area - the butler served, and the housekeepers and ladies' maids waited on family and guests. All that had to change, for now there are no maids or servants.

The servants' dining room was transformed into the pre-hiking room and was the logical choice for a map room. I papered the walls with a faux-bois wallpaper on which the cherry-veneer frames look wonderful. When matting is necessary, it is acid-free and uniform in color, and all the maps are set under framing glass to protect them from the vagaries of weather.

Hanging them is fun. Finding a spot for a new addition is challenging, but each time I take up a drill and a screwdriver, I see something new and learn something I did not know. The only rule I follow when hanging so many various sizes of maps is to keep the bottom edges of the frames level throughout the spaces.

I am still looking for a few more maps, but I am thrilled to have learned about my beloved Mount Desert Island - where the railroads were and are no longer, when roads were built, and how man's ability to map has evolved over the past 400 years or so.

Map serving-tray how-to

Old and worn road maps and ocean charts can be salvaged and used to line serving trays.

Old and worn road maps and ocean charts can be salvaged and used to line serving trays.

Nautical charts of your region can be purchased inexpensively from any local boating-supply store or nearly any store that sells maps. Many nautical charts have a waterproof coating; these are the most durable and will stay pristine even if drinks are spilled on them.

Maps of hiking or nature trails or color copies of vintage maps are also charming for this project.

1. Remove the glass panel from the bottom of the serving tray, and place it over the desired area on the map. (If your tray does not have a glass panel, you can have one cut to fit by a framer. Ask for a 3/8-inch-thick piece of glass or Plexiglas.)

2. Lightly trace around the glass with a pencil.

3. Use a craft knife to carefully cut the map along the traced lines.

4. Erase any remaining pencil marks. Lay the map inside the tray and replace the glass. *