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Sideshow: A Razzie record for Murphy

LiLo made the cut, of course, but Eddie Murphy really stood out, with multiple nominations yesterday for the Razzies, the awards that do the hard work of sorting out the worst that Hollywood dredged up the previous year.


made the cut, of course, but

Eddie Murphy

really stood out, with multiple nominations yesterday for the Razzies, the awards that do the hard work of sorting out the worst that Hollywood dredged up the previous year.

Lindsay Lohan's thriller,

I Know Who Killed Me

, in which she plays two characters who may or may not be the same person - sounds autobiographical - did lead the pack with nine nominations, among them worst picture of 2007.



fell short with a mere eight nominations, but five of those were for Murphy himself, more than anyone has ever gotten in a single year. Way to go, Eddie!

Besides vying for worst picture,


had nominations for Murphy as worst actor in the title role; worst supporting actress as Norbit's beefy wife; worst supporting actor as an Asian man; and worst screen couple for Norbit opposite any of Murphy's other characters. Just for good measure, Murphy also shared a screenplay nomination for cowriting the flick.

"We decided that each of his characters was so offensive that he deserved individual nominations," said Razzies founder John Wilson. Seems only fair.

The Razzies were announced the day before the Oscar nominations will be - that is, today. And Razzie "winners" will be announced Feb. 23, a day before the Oscars are.

Easy come, easy go

One Brit has dumped another.

The always exciting

Britney Spears

has dumped

Adnan Ghalib

, her comparatively new Brit photographer boyfriend. The Mirror, the British tabloid, reports that the strange one was irate to discover - or so she claims - that Ghalib was exploiting her to boost his career. No! We're shocked.

The breakup is so bitter she is alleged to have taken out a restraining order against the guy. The course of true love was never smooth.

Allowed out

Kiefer Sutherland

has apparently been released from jail after serving 48 days on a drunken-driving charge.

People magazine's Web site reported that the 41-year-old actor walked out of jail at 12:05 a.m. yesterday, hours earlier than had been expected.

Two police spokesmen did not return phone calls seeking confirmation of the story, but a police official who wasn't authorized to speak publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity confirmed that Sutherland had been released.

People quoted Glendale (Calif.) Police Officer

John Balian

as saying that Sutherland "looked like he was glad to be out." Well, yeah.

No song and dance

The Rat Pack may have moved on to that great casino in the sky, but issues remain. The widow of

Sammy Davis Jr.

is suing two former business partners over the rights to the entertainer's life story and management of his legacy.

Altovise Davis

says in a lawsuit filed in federal court that the men exaggerated their show-business credentials and defrauded her into signing away some rights to her husband's estate.

When he died in 1990, the entertainer owed more than $5 million to the Internal Revenue Service, forcing his widow to auction many of his personal belongings.

Altovise Davis says she gave her intellectual rights to Sammy Davis Jr. Enterprises Inc., formed in 2004 by

Barrett LaRoda


Anthony Francis

, in return for a one-third share in the business.

Things came to a head, according to the lawsuit, during negotiations with a studio that wanted to make a biopic about Davis.

According to the lawsuit, LaRoda and Francis killed the movie negotiations by demanding a "substantial" fee and credit as executive producers.

In an e-mail to the Associated Press, LaRoda said he was trying only to get Altovise Davis more money from the movie. LaRoda wrote that Davis is "like a mother to me" but is being manipulated by

Burt Boyar

, the co-author if two Davis biographies. "I think the movie should be made. . . . The sad thing here is the tarnishing" of Sammy Davis' image.

Sideshow: Academy Award Nominations

Academy Award nominations are to be announced this morning, beginning at 8:30. For coverage, go to
