Bridge by Frank Stewart
The Russia-Poland team of Andrew Gromov-Alexander Dubinin and Adam Zmudzinski-Cezary Balicki displayed stamina and skill in winning the Spingold Teams at the ACBL Summer Championships, continuing the impact of foreign experts on U.S. events. In the final, the Gromov team edged Roy Welland-Brian Glubok, Steve Garner-Howard Weinstein and Billy Cohen-Ron Smith.
The Russia-Poland team of Andrew Gromov-Alexander Dubinin and Adam Zmudzinski-Cezary Balicki displayed stamina and skill in winning the Spingold Teams at the ACBL Summer Championships, continuing the impact of foreign experts on U.S. events. In the final, the Gromov team edged Roy Welland-Brian Glubok, Steve Garner-Howard Weinstein and Billy Cohen-Ron Smith.
Gromov trailed at the half but recovered on shaky bidding by Cohen-Smith. In one deal, Cohen opened on K 9 6, A 10 8 7, Q 6, Q J 3 2. The auction began one club-one diamond, one heart-one spade, 1NT-three clubs - and either because he thought the last bid wasn't forcing or he regretted having opened, Cohen passed. Smith held A Q 10 4, None, K J 10 9 8, K 7 6 4 - he must have thought his three clubs was forcing - and a good game, bid at the other table, was missed.
Light opening bids are popular, but a bid with a wide range of strength impedes accuracy. In today's deal from the final, Weinstein started with one club as South. I can't say that opening such hands is wrong - after all, Weinstein's style had gotten him to the final of a major event - but it wouldn't have occurred to me.
Garner, North, had to commit to game. When West overcalled one spade, Garner's leap to three spades was a "transfer," obliging South to bid 3NT. The poor game would have succeeded had West led a spade, but Gromov fished out a diamond, letting the defenders take five tricks. In the replay, the Poles stopped safely at two clubs.