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Sideshow: Prince Harry heads back to the war front

That Prince Harry sure gets around. Seems like only yesterday he was playing naked billiards in Las Vegas with his guy- and gal-pals. Photos circulated of the royal heinie. He was getting in a few last bank shots before shipping off to Afghanistan, for his second four-month tour of duty. On Friday, Harry reported to his squadron in Camp Bastion, Helmand province, where he'll be a copilot gunner on Apache helicopters fighting the Taliban. Come home safe, sweet Prince.

Britain's Prince Harry gives a thumbs up Friday Sept.  7, 2012 after he walked past the Apache flight-line at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan, where he will be operating from during his tour of duty as a co-pilot gunner. The Prince has returned to Afghanistan to fly attack helicopters in the fight against the Taliban. (AP Photo/ John Stillwell, Pool)
Britain's Prince Harry gives a thumbs up Friday Sept. 7, 2012 after he walked past the Apache flight-line at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan, where he will be operating from during his tour of duty as a co-pilot gunner. The Prince has returned to Afghanistan to fly attack helicopters in the fight against the Taliban. (AP Photo/ John Stillwell, Pool)Read moreAP