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Bridge by Frank Stewart

"Hear about the sequel they're making to that famous movie?" Unlucky Louie asked me. "They're calling it 'Duplicate Bridge on the River Kwai.' "

"Hear about the sequel they're making to that famous movie?" Unlucky Louie asked me. "They're calling it 'Duplicate Bridge on the River Kwai.' "

If you don't play duplicate, you're missing a treat. You can share the company of people who have a common interest while improving your game.

Duplicate strategy is unique: Declarer must often assess his contract and judge whether to play safe or take a risk for an overtrick.

In today's deal, North's double wouldn't have been a popular choice, but differences in bidding styles are what make duplicate. South bid clubs first because he expected more bidding. When he showed his spades next, North bid game.

South took the ace of hearts and quickly discarded his last heart on the ace of diamonds. He led the queen of clubs, and East won and forced South to ruff a diamond. West won the next club with the ace and forced South to ruff another diamond. South then tried to draw trumps with the K-Q, but when West discarded, South was sunk. He discarded dummy's last heart on a good club, but East ruffed and cashed a diamond. Down one.

South's contract was worth insuring; plus 420 would probably be a good result at duplicate. So South should start the clubs at Trick Two. East wins, and the defenders cash a heart and lead a diamond. South takes the ace, forces out the ace of clubs, and ruffs the diamond return. He can draw trumps with the K-Q-J and run the clubs.