Councilman's committee hopes to help black filmmakers
Improving movies diversity is a key for BFAC
THERE'S a well-documented lack of diversity in Hollywood, but Councilman David Oh's Black Film Advisory Committee (BFAC) aims to shine a spotlight on black filmmakers in Philadelphia. The Committee strives to create a cultural and creative hub for anyone interested in working in the movie business, especially minorities.
Kimberley Richards, special assistant to the councilman and coordinator of the committee, is in the process of planning the BFAC's second event - "The Return of 'The Set,' " a networking affair that brings together people from all aspects of film production - from producers to on-set caterers.
"A lot of filmmakers in Philadelphia are finding it hard to get to the next step," Richards said. "We want to create opportunities that will bridge the gap."
With almost 300 people already registered for the event, Oh and Richards are expecting a diverse and eclectic crowd, in terms of age and ethnicity.
Although the films that the BFAC supports tend to revolve around the black experience, "they're not only for the black community but for the Philadelphia community," Oh said. "We want to help develop the opportunities that are here."
The BFAC welcomes everyone, but focuses on providing a platform for black and minority pieces.
"We want to put their stories on the screen," Oh said. "Not only for the African-American community but for others."