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Herremans hangs with soldiers during Eagles game

Also: David Spunt joins CBS3, Jordin Sparks will be in Philly.

Eagles offensive lineman Todd Herremans. (David Maialetti/Staff file photo)
Eagles offensive lineman Todd Herremans. (David Maialetti/Staff file photo)Read more

HERE'S a little post-Veterans Day heart-warmer for the football fans out there.

While Mark Sanchez (who celebrated his win with cheesesteaks from Pat's and Geno's) and the boys in green were poaching the Panthers, an injured Todd Herremans was hanging with our men and women in uniform.

Herremans was watching the game from a suite when he saw that some ushers had brought up servicemen and women to the unoccupied suite next door. Herremans noticed his new neighbors and invited them to hang out during the game, telling them to order anything they wanted and put it on his tab.

New guy at CBS3

CBS3 welcomed David Spunt into its ranks as a new reporter. Spunt comes to Philly from the CBS affiliate in Charlotte. He originally hails from Boston.

Fun Spunt fact: This is not the first time Spunt has worked at CBS3. Before his Charlotte gig, Spunt worked at CBS3 . . . in Baton Rouge. While there, he covered the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

Sparks it up

"American Idol" Season 6 victor Jordin Sparks will be in the area tomorrow for a private event with the Wayne chapter of the Boys & Girls Club. Sparks will help present a renovated club and technology lab as part of a new partnership between the Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Comcast NBCUniversal that will benefit the 4,100 chapters throughout the country. Joining Sparks, whose pops is former New York Giant/Dallas Cowboy Phillippi Sparks, will be Comcast executive vice president David Cohen and Boys & Girls Clubs of America president and CEO Jim Clark.

Talent worth a 'Million'

Havertown's Stephen Clarke will appear as a contestant on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" tomorrow and Friday at 2 p.m. on ABC. But he's not just any contestant. Clarke is part of World Records week, when all contestants are record-holders. Clarke's talent is as a record-holding pumpkin carver. He even carved a pumpkin featuring the visage of host/former Eagle Terry Crews.

Darling Starling

I hear that Philly-based pop star Jade Starling, of the dance duo Pretty Poison, has joined up with Have a Catch for Barb, an organization that raises money for families affected by cancer. "It's not only important as a celebrity but it's important as a human being to help others who are less fortunate," said Starling, who is best known for the hit "Catch Me (I'm Falling)." "It shows people that I really care. I'm not just out making music, I want to bring joy and try to help people."

Starling has big things in mind for the organization, including a hands-across-America-style catch that she and her Pretty Poison partner, Whey Cooler, hope to organize next spring.

In the meantime, Starling will start a tour later this month behind her solo record "Captive."


* The Eisenhower Fellowship's Innovation Program welcomed its new director, George de Lama (the former managing editor of the Chicago Tribune) on Sunday night. Spotted at the event were former New Jersey Gov. Christie Todd Whitman, Philadelphia School District Superintendent William Hite, former School Reform Commission Chairman Pedro Ramos and state Rep. Jordan Harris.

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