Kiddin' Around: Johnson's Corner Farm
Blueberries, corn and snap peas are ripe for the picking at Medford farm and market.

The long: Jersey farm invites DIY pickers on hayrides to scoop up seasonal crops of berries, then corn (starting this week), peaches, apples, pumpkins . . .
Also on site: Goats, cows, chickens,
playground, ice cream.
The short: Clean, complete country outing.
The deal: Aim to park in the shade. Head to the market for pick-your-own tickets ($3.75 per person). Grab berry baskets. Line up for tractor (departs on the hour, more frequently when crowded). Climb into wagon. Hop off at field. Pick. (Don't eat.) Help yourself to cold water on picnic table. Ride back. Enter greenhouse. Pay about $2.79/lb. for blueberries.
The extra: An additional $3.75 per kid ($1.88 per adult) gets admission to animal feeding area and large playground with splash pad and pedal go-carts.
The lunch: Apple cider doughnuts, Bassets ice cream, chocolate-covered pretzels, premade sandwiches and salads;
picnic tables throughout.
Takeout: Tomato basil pie (like quiche), fresh corn, chicken pot pie.
Summer nights: Wednesdays and Fridays, 5-7 p.m., hayrides are free; pay only for what you pick. Wednesday's always a costume party. Friday's a cookout (pulled pork, burgers, corn, baked beans, fruit), DJ (kids' choice; read: "Let it Go") and display of 200 classic cars.
Tomorrow night: Pony Palooza has ponies, cowboy and cowgirl dress-up, free hayrides from 5 to 9 p.m.
Gifts: Reward the well-behaved with Melissa & Doug, John Deere toys.
Getting there: About 40-minute drive from Center City.
The basics: 133 Church Road (at Hartford Road), Medford, N.J., open daily: market: 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; ice cream window until
9 p.m.; pick-your-own from 10 a.m.
(closes early on hot days); 609-654-8643,