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Hot sauce for a good cause from Rowan University's president

Proceeds from the hot sauce made by Rowan University's president go to the school.

Houshmand’s Hazardous Hot Sauce benefits Rowan University students.
Houshmand’s Hazardous Hot Sauce benefits Rowan University students.Read moreALLISON STEELE / Staff

Hot sauce has become more than a condiment for Rowan University president Ali Houshmand: it's part of his mission to educate students.

Houshmand used to grow peppers as a hobby, turning them into hot sauce he made for friends. But this year, he launched sales of his Houshmand's Hazardous Hot Sauce, aimed at raising money for Rowan University students. The privately funded program benefits the Rowan Student Scholarship Fund. In addition to the sauces, T-shirts, mugs, glasses, and aprons with the sauce's logo are available.

Some of the peppers used in the sauces were harvested on a plot of land about a mile from Rowan's Glassboro campus, where Houshmand planted the seeds. Houshmand developed the sauce with help from members of Rutgers University's Food Innovation Center.

The sauce comes in three flavors: Ali's Nasty, the original blend; the Nastylicious, which is hotter; and Nastyvicious, a blend of eight of the hottest types of peppers, like Ghost and Devil's Tongue.

The Nastylicious, made from habañeros, long hots, and Beaver Dam peppers, isn't for the timid. It has a bright tang from apple cider vinegar and spices, and a mouth-watering blast of heat. It's delicious with eggs, nachos, soup, or anything else that needs a punch of flavor.

Houshmand's Hazardous Hot Sauce, $10  to $15;