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Daughter-in-law is stealing Thanksgiving away from her

DEAR ABBY: I have been hosting Thanksgiving for most of my married life - 44 years. When my children married, I told them we could celebrate all the holidays whenever and wherever they chose, but I wanted Thanksgiving.

DEAR ABBY: I have been hosting Thanksgiving for most of my married life - 44 years. When my children married, I told them we could celebrate all the holidays whenever and wherever they chose, but I wanted Thanksgiving.

Two years ago, my daughter-in-law asked to spend Thanksgiving with her parents and sister, and I reluctantly agreed. Her mom was battling cancer, so I said she could have Thanksgiving with her parents.

This year I received an email that she will be hosting it at her house with her parents and hoped we would come! I was upset that she didn't even discuss this with me. I sent her an email back saying I would like to have Thanksgiving at my house and she and her parents were invited. I haven't heard from her and I'm afraid she's mad. Frankly, I don't want to go to her house, but I don't want to alienate my son and two grandkids.

I don't see a compromise here that will please everyone. Do you? - Unthankful in Pennsylvania

DEAR UNTHANKFUL: Yes, I do. Because your daughter-in-law has made it plain that she would like to establish some Thanksgiving traditions of her own, you should now graciously discuss alternating the celebration with her.

DEAR ABBY: I often find myself confused regarding contact information. Many times, people list both a cellphone and a home phone number for contacting them. Because I've grown up in this age of technology, I have only a cellphone and am not reachable any other way.

When people list both numbers or send me both numbers in an email, which number should be used first?

And if I don't reach them at the first number, do I leave a message and wait for a return call, or should I call the next number right away? Typically, preferences are not indicated.

- Too Many Numbers in Wisconsin

DEAR TOO MANY: While it's increasingly common for people to have only cellphones, not everyone wants to be called during the day when they might be working.

That's why, if there is any confusion on your part, you should ask the individual, because the responses you receive may not be all the same.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.