Ex-VFMA counselor charged with sex assault of cadet
A former guidance counselor at Valley Forge Military Academy and College has been charged with sexually assaulting a student and giving alcohol to three underage cadets.

A former guidance counselor at Valley Forge Military Academy and College has been charged with sexually assaulting a student and giving alcohol to three underage cadets.
An arrest warrant has been issued for Symantha Hicks, 30, of Horsham. Radnor police said she was expected to turn herself in this week. Hicks is charged with unlawful contact with minors, corruption of minors, and selling alcohol to minors.
"Mrs. Hicks denies any allegation of any inappropriate sexual contact with any of the students," said Richard Q. Hark, Hicks' attorney.
Hicks "acknowledged there was some inappropriate access and furnishing alcohol to minors," Hark said.
In an e-mailed statement, Jennifer Meyers, director of marketing and communications for the school, said: "Our primary concern is to protect all of our cadets individually, collectively and institutionally - and we will continue to support the legal process to that end."
On Dec. 3, police were called to the Wayne campus by Rik Thornton, commandant of cadets, who reported that Hicks had allegedly sexually assaulted a 16-year-old cadet. Thornton also told police Hicks had allegedly provided alcohol to two 17-year-old cadets, according to court papers.
The cadets were not identified by police.
The cadet who was allegedly sexually assaulted was interviewed by police in the presence of his parents. He told police Hicks was his guidance counselor since January 2011 and he would meet with her once or twice a day for assistance with schoolwork. On Oct. 31, the first time the two were alone, Hicks performed oral sex on him, according to court documents.
A few weeks later, the cadet said, Hicks left text messages for him telling him she would be staying on campus for the night and inviting him to meet her in a room. He told police he declined.
Two other cadets told police Hicks gave them alcohol on four different occasions, both in her office and off campus.
A fourth cadet told police that on Nov. 12, Hicks gave him a 24-pack of beer. A few weeks later, Hicks gave him two bottles of alcohol, according to court documents.