Student attacks officer at Northeast High
A school police officer was taken to the hospital after being assaulted by a summer school student at Northeast High today.
A school police officer was taken to the hospital after being assaulted by a summer school student at Northeast High today.
The incident happened at about 10:15 a.m. at the Cottman Avenue school when a ninth grade student "mouthed off" to a female school police officer, said Barbara Farley, a Philadelphia School District spokeswoman.
Officers ordered the student, whose name is not being released because of his age, to leave the building, and he did.
Then, the student "came back again, and mouthed off again," said Farley.
When a male police officer attempted to take the student into custody, the student struck the officer, who was taken to the hospital with facial injuries.
The injuries were not life-threatening, and the officer is expected to recover fully, Farley said.
Summer school is over for the student.
"He is being arrested and suspended from the summer program," Farley said.
Contact staff writer Kristen Graham at 215-854-5146 or