Phanatic Dangle Hat among new Phillies novelties
This was was no Phanatic puppet, even if it did have green fur and a face.

This was was no Phanatic puppet, even if it did have green fur and a face.
Including mini-megaphone beak and tongue.
It's a Phanatic Dangle Hat, explained Francis Winkey, holding the new novelty item aloft inside the Majestic Clubhouse Store he manages at Citizens Bank Park.
The "dangle" part refers to blue-tassled green thingies that hang over the wearer's ears.
"I really believe this will be our No. 1 seller this year," Winkey said.
It's "OSFM" - one size fits most - and will sell for $24 when it hits the shelves there, sometime around the first home exhibition game, April, 1, Winkey said.
Every year, the Phillies introduce all sorts of new goodies for all sorts of fans.
Useful or amuse-ful.
With logos, logos, logos.
Also by early April, there will be pink Phillies yoga mats ($29.99) for fans who get bent out of shape.
Phillies disposable diapers (24 in a $15 pack) are good for a change.
The Phillies popcorn-maker ($59.99), available next week, won't brand each kernel, but Team Branders, already in stock for $22 (but $15 by Opening Day), will scorch a "P" on your burgers, or "Phillies" on hot dogs or sausages..
Thanks to little Lego-like people, facsimiles of players now come in more sizes.
Not that Winkey would utter that trademarked name.
They're tiny poseable versions of players, like Shane Victorino and Cole Hamels, complete with uniforms and itty-gloves gloves, and are compatible with "name construction toys," Winkey said.
Despite the $15 price, they were a huge hit as winter holiday gifts, he said.
Much bigger - maybe 8 inches tall - are the bobblehead figures that belong to a "ballpark exclusive" set.
The one for outfielder Hunter Pence has high socks and "dirt" on his knees. The one for "Chooch" - catcher Carlos Ruiz - has sunglasses, unusual for a bobble figure, Winkey said. They're also in stock, for $24.99.
Figures of fans are also represented, if you count the new set of four garden gnomes on a bench ($35), all wearing white beards and Phillies hats - though one not sporting a shirt.
As for games, Phillies Monopoly joins a lineup that includes Scrabble, Yahtzee, Bingo, Uno and Jenga.
"No Phillies Twister yet," though versions of the multiplayer contortion game have been created for the Yankees and Red Sox, Winkey said.
These join quite an array of other fun or nutty Phillies-branded stuff, including Mr. Potato Heads, rally monkeys, pacifiers, robots, antenna balls, fuzzy dice and dog collars.
Of course, the Aramark-run store, whose entrance is outside the ballpark, also has an array of new apparel designs - hats, shirts, sweats, neckties, jewelry - among the thousands of items on its racks and shelves.
Everything at the store, open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, will be 20 percent off on Monday, President's Day.