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In largest reported payout yet, Philadelphia Archdiocese settles abuse lawsuit

After Sean McIlmail died of drug overdoes, his family sued the Archdiocese of Philadelphia over allegations that McIlmail had been molested for four years as a young boy. The case has now been settled. But is only the sixth such civil suit to be resolved – a reflection of Pennsylvania's narrow legal window permitting lawsuits.

Father Robert L. Brennan, with Sean McIlmail, 14, at his eighth-grade graduation from parish school.  McIlmail said Brennan began molesting him at age 11.  Brennan has said he did no know McIlmail and that this photo was a routine, non-memorable event.
Father Robert L. Brennan, with Sean McIlmail, 14, at his eighth-grade graduation from parish school. McIlmail said Brennan began molesting him at age 11. Brennan has said he did no know McIlmail and that this photo was a routine, non-memorable event.Read moreMcIlmail family