Police: How did packet of cocaine end up in Philadelphia kindergarten classroom?
A little girl had started to chew on the drug packet when a teacher took it away from her, police say.

Police are trying to determine how a packet of cocaine ended up in a kindergarten classroom in Southwest Philadelphia.
According to police, a kindergarten teacher at the Mastery Charter Hardy Williams Elementary School took the packet from a 6-year-old girl who found it in a classmate's backpack.
Lt. John Walker of Southwest Detectives told 6ABC that the girl had put the packet in her mouth and started chewing on it.
"Fortunately, she did not break the actual seal," he said.
The girl and the student who owned the backpack that had the packet in it were checked out by the school nurse, who determined they had not ingested any of the drug, the school told the station.
No other cocaine packets were found in a search of student backpacks.