City seeks candidates for staff excellence awards
Know a Philadelphia employee who does an excellent job? The city wants to hear about it. This year marks the first Richardson Dilworth Award for Distinguished Public Service, which aims to recognize a public employee whose work performance embodies excellence.
Know a Philadelphia employee who does an excellent job?
The city wants to hear about it. This year marks the first Richardson Dilworth Award for Distinguished Public Service, which aims to recognize a public employee whose work performance embodies excellence.
The city is seeking nominations for the award, which comes with $5,000, four free tickets to the Mayor's Box at the event of the winner's choice, and an honorary luncheon.
The deadline for filing is midnight Dec. 31, and the winner will be announced March 7.
Nominees must be current, full-time employees of the executive branch, such as streets, parks and recreation; police; fire; licenses and inspections; health; human services; or the Free Library, to name a few.
The award is named for former Mayor Richardson Dilworth, a reformer who created Philadelphia's first civil service system.
The city decided to offer the award after the Dilworth Paxson law firm agreed to sponsor it.
You can get a nomination form at or by picking one up at the Fund for Philadelphia Office, Room 708 of City Hall.