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Redd seen as likely Bryant replacement

With State Sen. Wayne Bryant's announcement yesterday that he would not seek reelection, eyes in Camden turned to Dana Redd, the vice president of City Council.

With State Sen. Wayne Bryant's announcement yesterday that he would not seek reelection, eyes in Camden turned to Dana Redd, the vice president of City Council.

Redd, 38, is seen as the likely Democratic candidate to replace Bryant, who in recent months has become the subject of state and federal corruption probes into his taxpayer-funded jobs.

Her name is floated whenever a major elective or appointive office opens in the Camden area. She has been mentioned as an heiress-apparent for the mayor's job and a possible contender for Camden County freeholder. She recently stepped down as chairwoman of the Camden Housing Authority.

She is also cochair of the city Democratic Committee and vice chairwoman of the state Democratic Party.

Redd's father was a union activist; both her parents died when she was 8. She grew up in Camden as a protegé of the Hinsons, prominent in Democratic politics, and Freeholder Riletta Cream, and supported by South Jersey Democratic leader George Norcross III.

She has been heavily criticized for her staunch support of the massive Cramer Hill redevelopment plan that would have bulldozed 1,200 homes if it hadn't been stalled in court.

Yesterday, she had the support of Mayor Gwendolyn Faison.

"Dana Redd," said the mayor, "is a young and upcoming political person. I think with the right help and advice, she will make an excellent senator."