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Florida makes its primary earlier

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - Florida decided Friday to hold its Republican presidential primary on Jan. 31, snubbing a party rule against fast-track delegate selection for 2012 and triggering angry responses from traditional early-voting states that will now likely rejigger their calendars to stay ahead.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - Florida decided Friday to hold its Republican presidential primary on Jan. 31, snubbing a party rule against fast-track delegate selection for 2012 and triggering angry responses from traditional early-voting states that will now likely rejigger their calendars to stay ahead.

The move actually thwarts efforts by both major political parties to delay presidential primaries and caucuses. Their aim has been to avoid a repeat of the 2008 scenario, when states jumped ahead of each other at that time in attempts to increase their influence in the process.

In Florida, a special nine-member committee appointed by legislative leaders and Gov. Rick Scott voted 7-2 to set the January date two days after House Speaker Dean Cannon announced that's what it was expected to do.

Cannon and other Florida GOP leaders said they didn't want to jump the traditional early states but wanted to make sure Florida was fifth, even though the move was a violation of party rules.

"We're the biggest swing state in the union," said Republican former Gov. Bob Martinez, a member of the selection panel. "Texas is red, New York is blue, California's blue, and we're 10 electoral votes greater than Ohio. . . . So I think this is a real, real election in Florida."

Cannon, who is not on the committee, noted that Florida had done the same thing four years ago with a late-January primary that played a key role in selecting Sen. John McCain of Arizona as the Republican nominee. All major Democratic candidates, though, boycotted Florida because the early primary violated party rules.

"The sky didn't fall, and the moon didn't turn into blood," Cannon said.

Officials in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina say they probably will change their dates to stay ahead of Florida.

They are the only states allowed to go before March 6 under Republican and Democratic rules.

Matt Strawn, Iowa GOP chairman, condemned Florida's action and said his caucus still will remain first, consistent with tradition. He said a date would be set after New Hampshire announces when it will hold its primary.

"The arrogance shown by Florida's elected leadership is disappointing, but not surprising," Strawn said in a statement.