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Bishop cuts a deal on handling of abuse

KANSAS CITY, MO. - A Kansas City Roman Catholic bishop dodged more misdemeanor charges yesterday for his handling of a priest accused of taking hundreds of pornographic pictures of children.


- A Kansas City Roman Catholic bishop dodged more misdemeanor charges yesterday for his handling of a priest accused of taking hundreds of pornographic pictures of children.

Bishop Robert Finn entered into an agreement with the Clay County prosecutor's office that will give the prosecutor authority, for five years, to review how the Kansas City-St. Joseph Catholic Diocese handles future allegations of child abuse in that county.

The agreement requires the bishop to report directly to the prosecutor monthly to apprise him of any reported abuse activities involving minors throughout the diocese's Clay County facilities. Finn also agreed to visit all county parishes and outline notification programs to protect minors.

Prosecutor Dan White said that if Finn fails to meet requirements of the agreement, he could face charges for how he handled claims against the Rev. Shawn Ratigan, 46, after suspected child pornography was found on the priest's computer.

Finn and the diocese were charged last month in Jackson County with failing to report suspected child abuse, a misdemeanor, and both have pleaded not guilty. That Oct. 6 indictment made Finn the highest-ranking U.S. church official charged with shielding an accused priest.

David Clohessy, national director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, said the agreement didn't hold Finn to account.

"Nothing deters white-collar crime like jail time, and nothing exposes a cover-up like a trial. But neither are happening," Clohessy said. "Finn is doing here what bishops have done for ages, avoiding tough questions in open court and continuing to hide the complicity and corruption of his top staff."