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Argentines weigh in on next leader

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - Millions of voters in Argentina braved heavy rains Sunday to weigh in on what the South American nation should look like after the departure of President Cristina Fernandez, who along with her late husband guided the country for 12 years with social welfare policies aimed at the poor while often employing combative rhetoric and protectionist policies with other nations.

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - Millions of voters in Argentina braved heavy rains Sunday to weigh in on what the South American nation should look like after the departure of President Cristina Fernandez, who along with her late husband guided the country for 12 years with social welfare policies aimed at the poor while often employing combative rhetoric and protectionist policies with other nations.

Voters were casting ballots in open primaries for presidential candidates who have all but sealed the nominations in their respective parties, making the exercise essentially a giant national poll ahead of the Oct. 25 elections.

Argentina is struggling with myriad economic problems. Independent analysts put inflation at over 30 percent and the Argentine peso has slid sharply against the American dollar in recent months.

Polls show voters divided about how, and who, is best to tackle those issues.

The primaries will help the top candidates judge how their campaigns are faring ahead of the general elections - in particular how closely to align their platforms to the social welfare policies of Fernandez's political movement, known as Kirchnerismo.

Daniel Scioli, the governor of the Buenos Aires province and a former vice president, is Fernandez's successor candidate. He has praised her policies but also promised to make reforms where necessary and be more amicable in dealings with other countries.

Mauricio Macri, the former mayor of Buenos Aires and ex-president of the Boca Junior soccer club, is the top opposition candidate. He has promised to make the country more business-friendly and lift all restrictions on citizens' ability to buy U.S. dollars - a promise the government and some economists say isn't realistic.

Sergio Massa, who has held cabinet and elective posts and broke with Fernandez, is running on his own ticket and promises to jail corrupt politicians. His bid is a longshot, though he has enough support to be a spoiler or kingmaker in the general election.

Fernandez is constitutionally barred from running for a third term. She and her late husband and predecessor, Nestor Kirchner, are widely credited with lifting Argentina after a $100 billion default in late 2001 that forced a run on the banks and wiped out the savings of many citizens. But detractors say Fernandez's policies, which include gas and transportation subsidies, along with perks for single mothers and periodic pension increases, have contributed to heavy inflation.