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Vote on gay rights looms in Houston

HOUSTON - An ordinance that would establish nondiscrimination protections for gay and transgender people in Houston, the nation's fourth-largest city, got support this week from heavy hitters including the White House and tech giant Apple.

HOUSTON - An ordinance that would establish nondiscrimination protections for gay and transgender people in Houston, the nation's fourth-largest city, got support this week from heavy hitters including the White House and tech giant Apple.

Houston residents will vote Tuesday on the contested Houston Equal Rights Ordinance.

"While the Administration generally does not take a formal position on specific proposals or initiatives, the President and Vice President have been strong supporters of state and local efforts to protect Americans from being discriminated against based on who they are and who they love," White House spokesman Jeff Tiller said in a statement Thursday.

"We're confident that the citizens of Houston will vote in favor of fairness and equality."

Supporters of the ordinance say the measure would not only offer increased protections for gay and transgender people, but it would provide a wealth of protections against discrimination based on sex, race, age, religion and other categories.

Opponents, who contend the ordinance would infringe on their religious beliefs against homosexuality, have focused their campaign on labeling it the "bathroom ordinance," alleging that it would open the door for sexual predators to go into women's restrooms. The "bathroom ordinance" strategy has been called highly misleading by Houston Mayor Annise Parker, who is gay, and other supporters of the ordinance.

Cupertino, Calif.-based Apple said its "stores and our company are open to everyone, regardless of where they come from, what they look like, how they worship or who they love."

"Apple supports Proposition 1 as it sends a clear message that Houston is focused on a future of inclusion, diversity and continued prosperity," the company added in its statement.

Apple CEO Tim Cook came out last year as the first openly gay chief executive of a Fortune 500 firm.

Houston's ordinance also has received support from Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, who on Thursday tweeted: "No one should face discrimination for who they are or who they love - I support efforts for equality in Houston & beyond."

The high-profile support comes as the outcome of Tuesday's vote is considered uncertain, with one political expert believing the measure is leaning toward being defeated.