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Joe Scarborough and Sean Hannity hurl insults at one another

Joe Scarborough and Sean Hannity don't like each other.

MSNBC ‘Morning Joe’ host Joe Scarborough (left) and Fox News ‘Hannity’ host Sean Hannity went after each other on Monday.
MSNBC ‘Morning Joe’ host Joe Scarborough (left) and Fox News ‘Hannity’ host Sean Hannity went after each other on Monday.Read moreAP photos

Joe Scarborough and Sean Hannity don't like each other very much.

The two cable hosts have a long history of going after one another. In the past, Scarborough has called Hannity's Fox News show "gross and repulsive," while Hannity has blasted the Morning Joe host as "low rated lib Joe." Hannity has even gone so far as to mock Scarborough's hair, and really didn't appreciate it when the MSNBC host compared President Trump to a "kid pooping his pants,"

And on and on and on.

The two hosts renewed their fight on Monday when Scarborough called Hannity's show "state-run television" over his interview last week with Donald Trump Jr., where the president's son wasn't exactly forthcoming about all the facts involving a controversial meeting with a Russian lawyer offering dirt on Hillary Clinton.

After Trump Jr.'s interview with Hannity, former K.G.B. counterintelligence unit agent and Soviet army veteran Rinat Akhmetshin, who is now an American lobbyist, revealed to the Associated Press he was part of the meetings.

Akhmetshin also claimed Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya brought a plastic folder to the meeting with printed-out documents that detailed what she believed was the flow of illicit funds to the Democrats. Akhmetshin said she presented the documents to Trump Jr. and his associates, former campaign manager Paul Manafort and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, and suggested that making the information public could help Trump's presidential campaign.

None of these facts came up with Trump Jr.'s interview with Hannity, which led Scarborough to accuse the president's son of "lying to the New York Times, lying to the American people, saying this meeting was just about adoption, and then the next day lying about the people that were in it."

"Then going on a TV show that basically is state-run television," Scarborough said of Hannity's exclusive interview with Trump Jr. "These people keep getting caught in their lies, day after day after day."

Hannity, a outspoken backer of President Trump, didn't appreciate the barb about his show and lit into the MSNBC host on Twitter in a rant reminiscent of the president he often defends.

Hannity also claimed that Scarborough once sought a job at Fox News, and said he "begged" the network's former chairman, Rogers Ailes,  and ex-president, Bill Shine, for a job.

Scarborough, who announced last week that he is leaving the Republican Party, didn't respond to the attacks, and neither responded to a request for comment.

Hannity and other opinion hosts at Fox News are finding themselves increasingly at odds with the network's news operations, which haven't been nearly as sympathetic to President Trump and his administration.

On Friday, an exasperated Shepard Smith called out the Trump administration for a level of deception he labeled "mind-boggling."

"If there's nothing there, and that's what they tell us, why all these lies? Why is it lie after lie after lie?" Smith asked rhetorically to his colleague, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace. "There are still people out there who believe we're making it up, and one day they're gonna realize we're not, and look around and go, 'Where are we? And why are we getting told all these lies?'"

Wallace, who called the meeting a clear attempt at collusion and has been critical of the administration's false statements in regards to connections with Russia, remained speechless for several seconds before speaking.

"I don't know what to say," Wallace responded. "I think that there's a lot of truth to everything that you've said."