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Harold Earl Fisher, 88, active community leader

HOWARD EARL FISHER had fond memories of his father and the lessons he passed on to him in his boyhood.

Harold Earl Fisher
Harold Earl FisherRead more

HOWARD EARL FISHER had fond memories of his father and the lessons he passed on to him in his boyhood.

"As a boy, my father often took me on outings to places of interest throughout the city of Philadelphia, to such places as Independence Hall, Fairmount Park, the Art Museum, excursions on the Delaware River and many other interesting places that few children in our neighborhood were afforded the opportunity to visit," he once wrote in a remembrance of his childhood.

He and his father also shared an interest, bordering on a passion, for model railroading.

"I can look back with pride," he wrote, "greatly appreciating what my parents had given me through love and understanding."

Howard Earl Fisher, longtime employee of the Postal Service working in the former main post office at 30th and Market streets, a dedicated member of the Darby Township Volunteer Fire Company, active churchman and Navy veteran of World War II, died Jan. 20. He was 88 and lived in Darby Township.

He was a member of the board of directors of the Southeastern Chapter of the American Red Cross and financial officer of American Legion Post 845, among other community interests.

He was also active in church affairs, both locally and nationally. His church and community activities earned him awards from the Chapel of the Four Chaplains and other groups.

Earl, as he was known to family and friends, was born in Philadelphia the eldest of the four children of Howard A. Fisher and Ida Josephine James. He graduated from Darby High School in 1942, and entered Cheyney State Teachers College, now Cheyney University.

After World War II began, he worked for a time for the Sun Shipbuilding and Drydock Co. before entering the Navy on Sept. 9, 1943. He served stateside and was discharged in May 1946.

Earl returned to Cheyney to finish his education and went to work for the Postal Service. He retired in 1988.

He married Mamie B. Wells in 1948. After her death, he married Dorothy M. Riggs.

Earl was a member of Darby Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 4 for more than 52 years. He served as recording secretary for 42 years; was a member of the bylaws committee, helping to revise the bylaws; and served on the fire company's budget committee.

He was a founding member of the Darby Township Fire Prevention Bureau and was secretary of the Darby Township Fireman's Relief Associaton.

His church activity began at age 12, when he was baptized by the Rev. William A. Harrod at the First African Baptist Church of Philadelphia. He later became a member of the First African Baptist Church of Sharon Hill.

Earl was chairman of the board of trustees, Sunday school teacher, chairman of the Building Council and editor of the first weekly church bulletin. He was also active in the Boy Scouts and vacation Bible school.

He also served as the president and treasurer of the Eastern District of the Congress of Christian Education.

He is survived by two sons, Howard Jr. and Tyrone; two daughters, Karen and Cordelia; a sister, Winifred Mitchell; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Services: Were Tuesday.